July 2021
Going live
September 2021
May 2022
Opening WUDI Beach Bar in the Aegean sea
August 2022
WUDI Island Project - Start
Every day we release new hidden mysteries on our site. The reward is a wallet with a certain amount of WUDI tokens. So be prepared and seek for hidden messages or hints. We will progressively increase the difficulty of the mysteries and thus the reward along it.
Search for the mystery
Find the hidden wallet
Get the tokens from it
For the new bloody WUDI pirates. You can search for WUDI tokens anywhere on this website. Or our social media. Search but don't hack us please. You are a good pirate. Hrrr.
We hide the privatekey for a wallet which contains several WUDI tokens. You find it and send the tokens to your private wallet. Safe, no communication and secure.
When you solve the mystery you automatically find the privatekey to a wallet. Use a wallet app such as TronLink and import the wallet through the option "PRIVATE KEY". Transfer the tokens to your safe wallet.
The WUDI Club will create an entire world with WUDI Tokens. All WUDIs unite for a happy and freedom enjoying colony on Earth-2.
The WUDI Team is made of highly specialized and skilled manufacturers of bits and bytes. They also develop the quantum wudibit.